Exhibitions and Conferences
11 - 14 november 2014 "Metal-Expo - 2014"
Notification of Azov Steelmaking Company LLC on the occurrence of force majeure circumstances from February 24, 2022
28 february 2022
04 april 2022 Urgent message from the director of AZOVMASHINVEST HOLDING LIMITED

We hereby inform that on April 4, 2022, an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Private Joint Stock Company "Azovzagalmash" (identification number 13504334) was held, where the resolution for urgent removal of  Ivashchenko Konstantin Vladimirovich from execution of his duties  of the General Director of  PrJSC "Azovzagalmash" and his dismissal from the position of General Director of PrJSC "Azovzagalmash" was adopted.
Although during September-October 2021, his ability to perform the duties of the General Director of PrJSC "Azovzagalmash" was already limited by the decisions of the meeting of creditors and the committee of creditors of the PrJSC " Azovzagalmash", in accordance with which it was decided to authorize the arbitration manager to apply to the Economic Court for recognition of PrJSC "Azovzagalmash" to be a bankrupt and the opening of a liquidation procedure in relation to it, which terminates all powers of the managerial bodies of PrJSC "Azovzagalmash" (the petition of November 2021 is under consideration by the Economic Court of the  Kyiv city ).  The latest events and messages regarding Ivashchenko Konstantin Vladimirovich, which were disseminated  on 04 April 2022, in some media (that unfortunately cannot yet be reliably confirmed due to ongoing active hostilities in the city of Mariupol and the lack of mobile communications,  and the city being under siege), shareholders  of  PrJSC "Azovzagalmash" are forced to  respond immediately, which resulted in the adoption of a decision on the urgent removal from April 04, 2022 of Ivashchenko Konstantin Vladimirovich from the duties of General Director of PrJSC "Azovzagalmash" and his dismissal from the position of General Director of  PrJSC "Azovzagalmash".
We also would like to  inform  about the election of the new General Director of  PrJSC ”Azovzagalmash” Vladimir Borot from April 05, 2022.
In addition, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of  PrJSC “Azovzagalmash” recorded the fact that, since the introduction of martial law, any connection with the management and labor collective of PrJSC  “Azovzagalmash” and the loss by shareholders of the opportunity to access production facilities as well as the temporary impossibility to conduct the  economic activities by the PrJSC “Azovzagalmash” under martial law.
The decisions taken were reported to the property manager of PrJSC “Azovzagalmash”, arbitration manager Anastasia Yuryevna Cherpak (appointed by the Decree of the Economic Court of Kyiv dated 06.10.2021 under the case No. 910/3262/16).

Shareholders of PrJSC "Azovzagalmash" and the ultimate beneficial owner of the company support the territorial integrity of Ukraine, only in the legal field of which it is possible to continue the economic activity of the enterprise.

We hope for a speedy end of the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and dream for beginning of the restoration of peaceful life in Ukraine and in our hometown of Mariupol, Donetsk region.

Glory to Ukraine!

Director of AZOVMASHINVEST HOLDING LIMITED                             Taras Polishchuk

The ultimate beneficial owner of PrJSC "Azovzagalmash"             Svetlana Savchuk