Rotary stacker-reclaimer УЗР-1000
Rotary stacker-reclaimer with conveyor is designed for stacking loose materials in layers and taking out the materials from the stack under the open storage conditions of by-product coke plants, metallurgical plants, ports, sintering plants, coal mines, power stations, etc.
Opencast crawler-mounted excavator ЭКГ-5АМ
The ЭКГ-5АМ crawler-mounted excavator is designed for opencast excavation and for loading the rocks preliminary loosen by explosion onto the transport means.
Bucket-wheel excavator ЭР–5250
The excavator is designed for mining soft and incompetent rocks with loading onto the conveyor, stage loader or spreader.
Bucket-wheel excavator ЭРП-2500
Opencast bucket-wheel excavator of ЭРП-2500 type is intended for mining medium-hard coal. Besides the bucket-wheel excavator is applicable for excavation of caked sand loam, clay, weathered shale and other rocks, excluding hard rocks that are detached from rock mass by explosion.
Bucket-wheel excavator ЭРШРД – 5250
The excavator is designed for mining operations on the coal deposits with carrying out drilling and blasting operations to provide coal lumps not exceeding 500-600 mm and for material loading onto the conveyors.
Bucket-wheel excavator ЭРШРП – 5250
Stripping rail-mounted walking bucket-wheel excavator of ЭРШРП–5250 type is used for opencast stripping operations under conditions of heightened moisture.
Universal excavator ЭГ-400
The excavator is intended for carrying out a big scope of earth-moving works at the building sites and it has the following implements: face dipper, dragline, crane.