Exhibitions and Conferences
12 - 14 november 2014 "TransUzbekistan 2014"
"Azovobschemash" won the tender for the production of blast furnace equipment
06 february 2014
PJSC "Azovobschemash" won a tender for the supply of hosts from bell-less charging device for the 4th blast furnace plant "Iron & Steel Works" and blast furnace number 1 Alchevsk Iron

PJSC " Azovobschemash " in the group " AzovMash ", won the tender for the supply of top nodes bezkonusnoho When loading device for 4th blast furnace plant " Steel Works " and blast furnace № 1 Alchevsk Steel . In addition to the tender " Azovobschemashu " participated NKMZ and one of the Russian companies. Deadline - second half of 2014.

"Azovmash" first in the Soviet Union 30 years ago produced BZU lotochnoho type for blast furnace number 3 plant " Steel Works ". In 2000 and 2004, were delivered to the device and Azovstalskaya Alchevska blast furnaces.

Selecting " Azovobschemashu " as the winner of the tender is based on the successful operation azovmashivskoho equipment in steel mills .

Taking into account the wishes of the customer department of metallurgical equipment designers (comma ) prepared documentation to 6 knots Azovstalskaya blast furnace and distributor in charge Alchevska furnace.

In the shops the company began manufacturing BZU .

- Thanks to our own design center ( point) and production base , we have been working successfully in the market of metallurgical equipment - the General PJSC " AzovMash " Igor Karapeychyk . - Bezkonusnyy boot device - this is a very complex machinery blast furnace , which allows domenschykam significantly save energy resources and raw materials , coke, gas, and boost production.